I retired last August, and have had two knee replacements since. Now recovered, and not doing physical therapy, I struggle with time management more then when I was working!

I'm involved with facilitating a Bible study, and and a MOPS mentor mom, but the other days just slip by if I'm not intentional about time management and priorities.

* I have more time for Bible study and reflections, so that is first thing in the morning

* I try to schedule coffee with someone from church at least once a week, to mentor or encourage.

* We try to have a family over for dinner twice a month.

* Since none of our children live close (at least 800 miles away), we try to call often, and arrange visits with them. Easier said than done! They are busy!

* Staying insurance active is important.. Exercise, walking and hiking are part of our lifestyle.

* My husband is still working, and traveling overseas is part of his ministry, so I try to try to arrange my schedule around his work and travel.

In this "third third" of life, I don't want to waste time, but use it wisely in investing in others. The struggle is how too do it wisely!!

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Yes! It sounds like we have similar priorities and using our available time wisely is often a struggle. I realize that I need to rest and yet I don't want to be lazy - sometimes it's difficult to find the right balance. Thank you for your comment, Karen!

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May 11Liked by Judy Allen

Very relatable and honest discussion. So blessed with many choices and family but we also realize rest is essential. This is hard because all of our choices are important including self reflection, but how do we prioritize? Thanks for sharing with your insight!

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How do we prioritize - that is the question! You’re so right that we are blessed with (too?) many options, and most of them would be good uses of our time. But, the fact remains that we have 24 hours a day to manage and as rest becomes more necessary, prioritization becomes more critical. My plan is to pray and do the best I can. Thanks, Barb!

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May 10Liked by Judy Allen

Are you sure you weren’t writing about me???? Word for word true!

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Ha! So glad to hear I’m not the only one! Thanks, Judi!

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May 9Liked by Judy Allen

Judy, I can totally relate -- especially to finding other things to do when I should be writing a new article instead! My challenge is margins - I try to fit too many things in each day/week/month just as I've been doing since I was in high school. Yet so often I've found that the harder choice is the right choice.

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I have been known to fill up margins too, although I don't remember having such thoughts in high school. In my experience there's a fine line between attempting to do too much and not doing enough, and I don't know if I'll ever learn to walk it without falling on one side or the other. I'm grateful for the grace and mercy of God! Thanks for your comment, Maggie!

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Judy- Thank you for sharing these. I appreciate the candor on this season of life having a loose tie to income or even children, making commitment and God's strength the source of ownership. I hope you're doing well this week, Judy-

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